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Monday, October 3, 2011

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Latest Jobs in Nigeria: Recruitment for Bursar


Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike is one of the three federal, Universities of Agriculture in Nigeria established to accelerate the drive towards National food security and rural development, in addition to providing functional education in a range ‘of science-based disciplines in order to make their graduates self-reliant job and wealth creators. The institution is located in the well-known Agricultural Training and Research City of Umudike, about 10 kilometers from Umuahia. The University is rapidly evolving as a centre of excellent where training, research and community service for the achievement of natural development goals and global relevance are emphasized in an atmosphere that promotes social cohesion and responsible citizenship.

A vacancy for the post of University Bursar will soon occur and applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified Nigerians for the post of Bursar


  • The Bursar is the Chief Financial Officer of the University responsible to the Vice Chancellor for the day-to-day administration and control of the financial affairs of the University.
  • The applicant should possess a good first or second degree in Accounting. Finance, Economics or Business administration and must, in addition, be a qualified Chartered Accountant and a member of any of the following professional Accounting Bodies: ICAN, ACA (E&W) ACCA, CPA-USA
  • The applicant must be of the rank of a Deputy Bursar and must have a minimum of fifteen (15) years cognate experience, seven (7) years of which must have been spent in a University or similar institution,
  • Exposure in professional Accounting Practice and an MBA degree from an accredited Nigerian University will be an added advantage.
  • The successful candidate shall hold office for a period five years and may be reappointed for a further period of five years on such terms and conditions applicable to Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined by appropriate University Laws and the Governing Council.
  • Applicants for the post of Bursar must have in the past exhibited considerable degree of competence, responsiveness, and demonstrable integrity and transparency on matter of financial resources management,
  • Applicants must be in good health and able to endure the rigours of the duties of the Bursar,
  • Prospective candidates must show innovative approaches to running of an ICT – driven Bursary, working at the highest level of efficiency to eliminate time wasting bureaucracy and bottlenecks,
  • The ability to advise the Vice-Chancellor in planning and executing strategies for enhancing internal revenue generation as well as promoting the culture of “doing more with less” shall be required,
  • Candidates for the post must be such that they would not exceed the gazetted retirement age before the end of the five year tenure.


Candidates are required to submit 25 (twenty five) copies of their applications, giving the information in the following order:

i) Full Name;
(ii) Post Desired;
(iii) Date of Birth;
(iv) Place of Birth and State of Origin;
(v) Nationality;
(vi) Permanent Home Address; (Not P.O Box or P.M.B)
(vii) Current Postal Address (add telephone, GSM and e-mail contacts);
(viii) Marital Status;
(ix) Number of Children with Names and Ages; (x) Institutions Attended (with dates);
(xi) Academy Qualifications (with dates where applicable);
(xii) Working Experience (General and Specific with dates)
(Xiii) Details of Administrative Experience and Service to the Community (with Status and dates);
(xiv)Present Employment, Status, Salary and Employer;
(xv) Extra Curricular Activities;
(xvi) Names and addresses of three referees (two of whom must be professionals or authorities in relevant fields) who must be requested by the applicant to forward their confidential reports to the Vice-Chancellor, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike and marked CONFIDENTIAL: for the Attention of the Vice¬Chancellor at the top left hand corner of the envelop, to reach him before the closing date.

Applicants should forward their applications to the Vice-Chancellor, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, PM.B 7267, Umuahia, Abia State. The envelop should be marked CONFIDENTIAL: For the attention of the Vice-Chancellor at the top corner and should be sent by courier mail

APPLICATION CLOSING DATE: Six weeks from the date of this publication.

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