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Monday, July 27, 2020

Laptop LCD Screen Related Problems, Possible Causes and Possible Solutions

I will like you to know that even the best laptops can sometimes encounter problems. When these issues arise, it is often difficult to tell what may be causing the problem. Here, we will look at various problems related to laptop displays and offer some possible solutions to help you avoid costly repair.

PROBLEM 1:  Laptop Display is Black
POSSIBLE CAUSES:  Bad connection cable
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: 1. You can try re-seating the cable that connects the display to the mainboard.   
                 2. The other likely explanation is that the inverter has malfunctioned.
PROBLEM 2: Laptop LCD Screen has a faint image or is very dark
POSSIBLE CAUSES:  1. Stuck-up LCD lid close switch
                             2. Defective FL inverter board
POSSIBLE SOLUTION:    1. Try tapping the lid switch a few times to see if you can
    turn on the screen back light.
2. Replace the FL inverter board.
Note: Make sure the brightness settings are turned all the way up. Also, make sure the lid switch is not jammed; making the laptop think it is still closed. If the screen is still dim, the most likely cause is a bad inverter or bad backlight in the LCD.

PROBLEM 3: Laptop LCD screen is solid white color or garbled
POSSIBLE CAUSES:  1. Deffective LCD screen
                             2. Bad or defective LCD cable connector
                             3. Faulty integrated onboard video

PROBLEM 4: Laptop LCD screen white color screen
1.     Loose or poor connection between the video cable and the LCD screen,
2.     Defective LCD Screen,
3.     Defective motherboard (assuming The Graphics card is integrated into the Motherboard).
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: 1. Reseat the connector between the video cable connector & LCD screen
                             2. Replace LCD screen
                             3. Replace motherboard

PROBLEM 5: Green or red dots on your LCD Screen
POSSIBLE Causes:  Stuck Pixel
POSSIBLE SOLUTION:  Massage away dead pixels
                                     NOTE: In some cases, the pressure will cause it to become unstuck. 
                   If the lines or dots persist, the only option is usually to replace the LCD screen.

PROBLEM 6: Unable to use external monitor
POSSIBLE SOLUTION:   1. Use key combination (toggle) to change between internal
& external monitor
·        Toshiba = fn + f5
·        IBM = fn + F7
·        HP = Fn + F4
2. Connect eh monitor to the system and Restart

PROBLEM 7: Broken or cracked screen

PROBLEM 8: Vertical lines, and they were changing color without any pattern. The External monitor worked fine.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: 1. Remount or Replace Flex/Screen if not
                                    2. Remount or Replace Flex/Screen shot.

PROBLEM 9: Screen Alternates Between Dim and Bright
POSSIBLE CAUSES: 1. loose connection, 
          2. But most likely it is caused by a bad LCD inverter, which will need to be replaced.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION:  Replacement of LCD inverter

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