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Monday, August 22, 2011

Bells University of Technology, Ota Latest Job Vacancies: Recruitment for Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer (COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES)


Bells University of Technology, Ota, is the First Private University of Technology, licensed by the Federal Government on 9th June, 2005 and commenced operations on 1st  July, 2005. The Vision of the University is “to be a World-renowned University, committed to the development and transformation of the society, through environmental friendly technology and other innovations”.

Its Mission is “to rediscover, disseminate and apply the knowledge of science and engineering well-being and the development of society”. Bells University of Technology offers attractive and competitive Conditions of Service comparable to what obtains in the Federal University System. Applications are therefore invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the Academic Positions in the University:

POST TITLE:   Professor

College of Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Biochemistry,
  • Physics with Electronics,
  • Applied Mathematics with Statistics.
  • Candidates are required to possess appropriate skills and orientations for respective disciplines as well as possess teaching abilities with adequate research experience.
  • (BUSS 7:  =N= 4,650, 189.00 – =N= 6, 120, 540.00)
  • Candidates must possess PhD degree from a reputable University with evidence of academic leadership in terms of Publications, Project design execution and monitoring, administrative leadership e.t.c with at least 12 years post-doctoral full-time teaching and research experience in the University System.

POST TITLE:   Reader

College of Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Biochemistry,
  • Physics with Electronics,
  • Applied Mathematics with Statistics.
  • Candidates are required to possess appropriate skills and orientations for respective disciplines as well as possess teaching abilities with adequate research experience.
  • (BUSS 6: =N= 3, 826, 381.00 – =N=5, 092, 027.00)
  • Candidates must possess PhD degree from a reputable University with evidence of academic leadership in terms of Publications, Project design execution and monitoring, administrative leadership e.t.c with at least 10 years post-doctoral teaching and research experience in the University System.

POST TITLE:   Senior Lecturer

College of Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Biochemistry,
  • Physics with Electronics,
  • Applied Mathematics with Statistics.
  • Candidates are required to possess appropriate skills and orientations for respective disciplines as well as possess teaching abilities with adequate research experience.
  • (BUSS 5: =N= 3, 147, 341.00 – =N=4, 540, 138.00)
  • Candidates must possess PhD degree from a reputable University with evidence of academic leadership in terms of Publications, Project design execution and monitoring, administrative leadership e.t.c with at least 7years post-doctoral teaching and research experience in the University System.


Candidates for each position are required to submit twenty (20) copies of their Application and Curriculum Vitae with photocopies of credentials attached.

The Curriculum Vitae must provide the following information:
  1. Post Desired.
  2. College/Department.
  3. Date and Place of Birth
  4. Nationality.
  5. State of Origin
  6. Marital Status.
  7. Number and Ages of Children.
  8. Contact Address (with phone number and e-mail addresses)
  9. Academic Qualification with dates
10.  Professional Qualification with dates
11.  Membership of Professional Bodies
12.  Distinctions and Awards (with dates)
13.  Work Experience
14.  Publications
15.  Present Employment, Status, Salary and Employer
16.  Extra Curricular Activities
17.  Names and Addresses of 3 reputable Referees.

Referees should be requested to forward directly to the Registrar of the University

All applications should be addressed to the undersigned, not later than 13th September 2011.

Bells University of Technology
Chords of knowledge
KM 8, Idiroko Road, Benja Village, P.M.B 1015, Ota, Ogun State.

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